NYSUT is asking everyone to call members of the New York State Senator NOW!!!
Senator Dean Skelos, Republican representing New York Senate District 9 in Nassau Country. recently made some damaging comments, criticizing the Assembly for “carrying NYSUT/UFT water.”
Pressure needs to be applied to members of the Senate, and NYSUT is asking members to call and ask Senators to:
Continue to reject harmful due process changes to 3020-a
Reject tying tenure to teacher evaluation
Reject any increase in testing
Reject any loss of collective bargaining rights
Senator’s Albany and Home District Phone Numbers:
Senator Boyle 518-455-3411 and 631-665-2311
Senator Crocci – 518-455-3570 and 631-360-3356
Senator Flanagan – 518-455-2071 and 631-361-2154
Senator Hannon – 518-455-2200 and 516-455-2200
Senator LaValle – 518-455-3121 and 631-473-1461
Senator Marcellino – 518-455-2390 and 516-922-1154
Senator Venditto 518-455-3341 and 516-882-0630
Senator Martins 518-455-3265 and 516-746-0439
and while it will probably fall on deaf ears-
Senator Skelos 518-455-3171 and 516-766-8383