NYSUT asks Members to Call State Senators NOW!!!!

NYSUT is asking everyone to call members of the New York State Senator NOW!!!
Senator Dean Skelos, Republican representing New York Senate District 9 in Nassau Country.  recently made some damaging comments, criticizing the Assembly for “carrying NYSUT/UFT water.”
Pressure needs to be applied to members of the Senate, and NYSUT is asking members to call and ask Senators to:
Continue to reject harmful due process changes to 3020-a
Reject tying tenure to teacher evaluation
Reject any increase in testing
Reject any loss of collective bargaining rights
Senator’s Albany and Home District Phone Numbers:
Senator Boyle 518-455-3411 and 631-665-2311
Senator Crocci – 518-455-3570 and 631-360-3356
Senator Flanagan – 518-455-2071 and 631-361-2154
Senator Hannon – 518-455-2200 and 516-455-2200
Senator LaValle – 518-455-3121 and 631-473-1461
Senator Marcellino – 518-455-2390 and 516-922-1154
Senator Venditto 518-455-3341 and 516-882-0630
Senator Martins 518-455-3265 and 516-746-0439
and while it will probably fall on deaf ears-
Senator Skelos 518-455-3171 and 516-766-8383