November 30 — 9/11 Memorial & Museum Visit

RC 23 has arranged for a very special bus trip. Spend the day in New York City, beginning with a visit to the 9/11 Memorial and Museum. Tour the twin reflecting pools situated within the footprints of where the Twin Towers once stood, and displays of artifacts and stories of the events of 9/11.


After the Museum visit have lunch and shopping on your own in Little Italy, followed by a professionally guided bus tour through Little Italy, Chinatown and Lower Manhattan. Download the 9-11 Memorial & Museum Flyer.

Senior Tuesdays at the Museum


The Long Island Museum (formerly the Carriage House) in Stony Brook offers  free admission to seniors on selected Tuesdays from 10 am to noon.    The current exhibit — Gilding the Coasts: Art and Design of Long Island’s Great Estates — is on display in the visitor’s center Tuesday October 13th.