The annual Winter Luncheon is planned for Wednesday, December 5 at Mac’s Steakhouse in Huntington. Details coming soon in the November – December issue of the R-UTN Newsletter.
Month: October 2018
Contribute to Vote/Cope Now!

VOTE/COPE Deduction cards are arriving in the mail. Please commit to contribute as soon as you can. Return the form you received in the mail, or go online to the Vote-Cope Online Donation page
In this important election year, as retirees we must continue to support our union. Public schools, our colleagues in the classroom and our benefits are under attack at the state and national level. We must ensure that our voices are heard, and our votes are counted.
Now is the time to re-commit. The Agency Fee may be dead, but our union must have the resources needed to continue to speak for us and voice our concerns. We need to protect our retirees, colleagues and public schools that keep alive the dreams and growth of the American middle class.
Contribute, work and vote for NYSUT endorsed candidates! Vote-Cope is NYSUT’s non-partisan action fund that coordinates the voluntary contributions of members and supports NYSUT-endorsed candidates and campaign committees that are pro-public-education and pro-labor. No NYSUT dues dollars are used to support candidates or campaign committees.
RC-23 Holiday Trip to NYC
Retiree Council – 23 is planning a Holiday Trip to New York City on December 13. The visit will include stops a the Metropolitan Museum of Art, a buffet luncheon Pasta Lovers on West 49th, Rockefeller Center, the Sound and Light Show at Saks 5th Avenue and culminating at Bryant Park to view the tree, skaters and holiday kiosks. Free time is planned in the Rockefeller Center area for shopping and a visit to Saint Patrick’s Cathedral.
Schedule: 9:30 AM Departure: Suffolk NYSUT Office-150 Motor Parkway, Hauppauge (Citibank Building)—10:00 Departure: Nassau NYSUT Office-1000 Woodbury Road, Woodbury
Trip Fee–$110.00 per person, Payable to Retiree Council 23. Deadline to submit payment is November 26. Download the reservation form and return it, with a check for the full amount, to: Christine Guercio/ 6 Cliftwood Place/Kings Park, NY 11754 / 631-265-6556
Memorial Service
Joe Zarro, husband of Shelly Zarro, who passed away on September 4, wanted to invite Shelly’s friends to a memorial service at the Mount Hope Cemetery, Saw Mill River Road and Jackson Avenue, Hastings-On-Hudson at 11:00 a.m. on November 10th.
Cards of condolence and remembrance may be sent to Joe at his home in Florida — 29087 Highland View Circle, Clermont, FL 34711.