Senator Flanagan Calls NYSUT Evil

On Monday, October 15, State Senate Majority Leader John Flanagan, who represents Senate District #2, told an Albany radio audience that teachers unions, including NYSUT, represent “the forces of evil.”

Since becoming Senate Majority Leader Senator Flanagan has consistently worked against public education and in favor of charter schools. During the current election season NYSUT is not endorsing any candidates who voted with Senator Flanagan on bills designed to enhance the number and financing of charter schools.

Senator Flanagan sees the union endorsements as evil, and part of a plot by outsiders to unseat the New York State majority. He fails to realize that members of teacher’s unions are constituents, and that union endorsements go to members of both parties. NYSUT is non-partisan in its endorsements, supporting candidates who will work for public education, students and teachers.

A listing of NYSUT candidates for state and national office will be posted later this week.

Middleville Update …

R-UTN member John Kobel is working to keep our members updated about developments related to  related to the Middleville / Northport Middle School property. What follows is his most recent report.

To all R-UTN Members:  I am sending you the results of a query that was sent to all staff that ever worked in the Middleville Road school, going all the way back to the 1960s. All of the emails and phone calls received have been compiled, and thanks to my friend Bill Ingui, retired Social Studies teacher, the results are presented in an easy-to-read spreadsheet. Middleville_Health_Study

In case you are not aware, in the last two heavy rainstorms there was flooding in the halls of the school, including in the recently completed, new K wing. Water leaked into some of the classrooms as well. 


A note from Alan Drysdale …

R-UTN member Alan Drysdale lives in Prescott, Arizona, and at age 84, after 22 years of retirement, he is sending a “overdue thank you” (his words) to all who participated in making his retirement celebration such a happy memory. Visit our Member News page to read his message.

Sad News …

We are sad to announce the passing of Joseph Gardner. He was a elementary teacher for about 20 years, retiring in the 1980’s. Joseph, who passed away on August 18th in Grand Junction Michigan, is survived by his wife Sabine. Condolences can be sent to his son Erik Gardner, 1998 Cherry Lane, Northbrook  IL 60062.