Over 100 people lost their homes in the East Northport apartment complex fire on March 23. The fire left several families in our school district homeless and in need. Donations of gift cards – Visa, Master Card or Target cards are preferred – can be mailed or dropped off at the UTN office, 81 Larkfield Road, East Northport NY 11731. The UTN will be pass the gift cards to the families for the purchase of clothes, supplies, etc. Donations in check form should be made out to the UTN and mailed to the Union office.
As posted earlier this week, the UTN is holding a fund raiser for these families this afternoon, beginning at 2:30 p.m., at The Lark on Larkfield Road.Month: April 2019
Ocean Avenue Retirement Party
UTN Fund Raiser
A recent apartment fire on Larkfield Road in East Northport left several families in our school district homeless and in need. The UTN is sponsoring a fund raiser in support of these families.