It is with great shock and sadness that the R-UTN Executive Board announces the untimely death of our beloved R-UTN President, Frances La Duca. Fran was the epitome of all you could ask of anyone who served in this highly respected position as R-UTN President. She worked tirelessly to assist all our members and our community. We were not ready to say goodbye – she left a hole in our hearts and in the spirit of the Retired – United Teachers of Northport .

Fran is survived by her Sister, Antoinette Colletti and her husband Anthony; her niece Elizabeth Colletti-Knowles and nephew Ted Colleti and their children Madison, Lexington and Gilmore.
Fran retired from the Northport – East Northport School district after thirty-three years as High School Library Media Specialist. She made a difference in the lives of many students, both at Northport High School and at C.W. Post University where she taught as an adjunct for twelve years.
Services are currently pending and will be announced when finalized.
Condolences may be sent to:
Antoinette Colletti
449 Hays Drive
Hardwick, VT 05843
Her family requests donations in Fran’s name to Big Brothers – Big Sisters of Long Island (
An obituary and tributes can be found on the Member Memorials page of this website.