A Tribute for Antoinette Blanck

A former UTN President and foreign language instructor for over thirty years, Antoinette Blanck was celebrated at a lovely affair at The View at Crabmeadow the evening of June 13. Over one hundred guests attended a very spirited celebration decorated a la Hawaii, and many RUTN members attended, including Maria D’Amore, Maria Scarpinito, Fran Killilea, Sharon Wolpert, Glenda & Jerry McNerney, Gloria Hall, Teddy Emanuel, Jeanette Conroy-Terri, Jane Flood, and Donna & Kevin McGinn. Suffice it to say, a good time was had by all!! We wish Antoinette much happiness in this new chapter, and hope she lends her talents to our R-UTN organization!

Congratulations 2023 R-UTN Scholarship Recipients

A stage filled with deserving seniors seated and excitedly awaiting their names to be called to receive one (or more!) scholarships – this was the setting for the NHS Senior Scholarship Ceremony which took place on the evening of June 7, 2023. Seventy-one scholarships were awarded, among them three RUTN ones, each in the amount of $2,000. The following students were applauded by a very proud audience in the HS auditorium:

• Ashly Lopez-Lopez will be seeking a degree in Education at SUNY Old Westbury.

• Dessa Kavrakis will be attending Harvard and majoring in both science and music.

• Sam Rosenfeld-McMahon will be off to American University to study Political Science.

We are so very proud of all these students, and wish them good luck and much success in all they do!

Retiree Council 23 Luncheon, June 7

Larry Ryan, Jane Flood, Alberta Scot, Vickie Newell, Teddy Emmanuel

The view from the windows of Captain Bill’s Restaurant in Bay Shore was hazy and smoke-filled due to the Canadian wildfires, but the atmosphere inside a roomful of retirees was spirited and happy. Retiree Council 23 (RC 23) held its spring luncheon there June 7. Much was discussed and brought to our attention, including:  NYSHIP changes (recently published and distributed in the Empire Plan Special Report), Medicare, the need for continued VOTE-COPE donations, the state of Tier 6 employees in terms of pension and contributions, and how far we have progressed as a union over the years.

A special guest was recognized as well, as the RC 23 COMMUNITY SERVICES award-winner ~ Christine Pendergast, wife of deceased R-UTN member, Chris Pendergast. She offered us words of wisdom and much gratitude for supporting Chris’s legacy, the ALS Ride for Life.

It was an informative, enjoyable couple of hours! The next luncheon will be held in October, and the Retiree Conference will also take place that month at the Marriott on Route 110. Stay tuned for details later in the summer. 

A Very Successful Happy Hour

Sharon Wolpert, Larry Ryan, Jane McNamara, Judy Bensimon, Mary Ellen Mack

A Happy Hour indeed! A few R-UTN friends gathered at Napper Tandy’s on Thursday, June 8, to share stories, have an afternoon snack and drink ~ lots of laughter and chatter could be heard!

Many thanks to Nancy and Jane M. for making the arrangements. Watch for announcements about our next gathering and make plans to join us!

More photos on our Photo Gallery webpage!

R-UTN Wants You!

We Need You! Judy Bensimon, our faithful Membership Secretary, has served for over 20 years and would like to to one day retire from her “retirement job”. She is looking for an R-UTN member to shadow her and learn the ropes. Please volunteer to help us keep our membership connected and informed. It is a rewarding position – and a great way to connect with former colleagues and friends.

If you are interested please send an email to [email protected] and an Executive Board member will be in touch!