Author: linda.quinn
Sad News
Seymour Goldberg, retired secondary science teacher, passed away on April 4, 2021. Seymour taught in the Northport schools for 27 years, and retired in 1982. His last know place of residence was San Jose, California.
R-UTN members with memories of Seymour they wish to share can email [email protected]. Please keep your commemorative brief and include your name and former school.
You are invited to the R-UTN Spring Luncheon
March 2023 Newsletter
VOTE-COPE Reminder
NYSUT’s non-partisan action fund, VOTE_COPE, coordinates the voluntary contributions of members and supports NYSUT-endorsed candidates and campaign committees that are pro-public-education and pro-labor.
No NYSUT dues dollars are used to support candidates or campaign committees.
NYSUT sends rebates to local unions based on a percentage (up to 40 percent) of the contributions VOTE-COPE receives from that local union’s members. Those rebates can be used in local activities such as school board races and for passage of school budgets.
All members should have received a mailing from NYSUT for this year’s VOTE-COPE contribution. Last year, your colleagues contributed over $11 million to VOTE-COPE. Plan to be part of the effort to make our public schools the best they can be by supporting candidates who support public eduction.
To contribute online, visit the NYSUT VOTE-COPE webpage and click the link at the bottom of the page.