Contact State Legislatures Now!


Higher-ed advocates to call on state Legislature to provide long-term funding for SUNY and CUNY campuses.

A coalition of labor unions will join with the state Senate and Assembly Higher Education Committee chairs Monday to urge that lawmakers include in the forthcoming state budget ‘Maintenance of Effort’ funding to enable State University of New York and City University of New York campuses —which for years have been hamstrung by cuts in aid — to cover basic operating costs.

Representatives from New York State United Teachers, United University Professions, the Professional Staff Congress and District Council 37 will join Democratic Assemblywoman Deborah Glick of Manhattan and Republican state Sen. Kenneth LaValle of Port Jefferson at 11:30 a.m. Monday in the LCA press room of the Legislative Office Building in Albany.

Take action now at the NYSUT Member Action Center to ask lawmakers to see to it that the state pays its fair share of SUNY/CUNY mandated costs!

Member Benefits Programs

nysut_member_benefitsAll NYSUT members are encouraged to visit the Member Benefits website at to learn more about endorsed programs and services offered.  Newest endorsed programs include Member Shopping Program powered by Paycheck Direct, Solar Solidarity Program from American Solar Partners, and ID Watchdog protecting against identity and credit theft.  Call 1-800-626-8101 to request printed directory of services.

Update on Social Security and Medicare

The AFT as issued a bulletin from on recent changes to Social Security and Medicare that all retirees, and soon to be retirees, should be aware of.

2016 Changes Announced for Social Security and Medicare

The Social Security Administration and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services recently announced changes in Social Security and Medicare benefits effective January 1, 2016. This bulletin provides some of the key changes for review and use by local leaders and active and retired members.   More detailed information can be found at Continue reading

NYSUT Retiree Conference

NSUT_Regionoal_NovNYSUT is holding a Retiree Conference for Councils 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 on November 19th at the Watermill Restaurant in Smithtown.

The  conference will feature a Mini Symposium on Education and a series of Breakout Session on topics relevant to retirees. The 25th Anniversary Celebration will include an address by NYSUT Staff Directors and the presentation of Service to NYSUT Retirees awards to members of the seven reiree councils. Former Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy will also be honored during the luncheon.

The cost to attend is $32, including continental breakfast and lunch. Registration is limited, on a first come basis, and there will be no registration at the door. The deadline for registration is November 6. Send checks to:
Joan Perrini, RSC
150 Vanderbilt Motor Parkway, Suite 306
Hauppauge, NY 11788

R-UTN members who plan to register, contact Fran LaDuca to let her know you will be attending.

Download Conference Schedule and Registration

November 30 — 9/11 Memorial & Museum Visit

RC 23 has arranged for a very special bus trip. Spend the day in New York City, beginning with a visit to the 9/11 Memorial and Museum. Tour the twin reflecting pools situated within the footprints of where the Twin Towers once stood, and displays of artifacts and stories of the events of 9/11.


After the Museum visit have lunch and shopping on your own in Little Italy, followed by a professionally guided bus tour through Little Italy, Chinatown and Lower Manhattan. Download the 9-11 Memorial & Museum Flyer.