Zephyr Teachout coming to Long Island

NYSUT is partnering with the Working Families Party and other allied organizations to build a Progressive Candidate Pipeline Project. As part of this project, Zephyr Teachout will be a speaker at two events on Long Island entitled, “Why She Runs”. The Suffolk County event is being held on Wednesday, June 10 at NYSUT Suffolk Regional Office in Hauppague. A reception will begin at  6:30 p.m., followed by the event at 7:00 p.m.

Teachout will be speaking along with other local officials about the need to have people, who have our interest in mind, to step up and run for office.

For questions please call Jeff Friedman L.I. Regional Political Organizer (516) 670-7834

Spring 2015 NYSUT Member Benefits E-Newsletter

NYSUT is proud to present the Spring 2015 issue of our quarterly Member Benefits E-Direct electronic newsletter.
Click here to view this e-newsletter. The publication includes embedded links that will allow you to learn more about our various endorsed programs & services.We hope that you will find the content useful.
Each issue of this electronic publication is put together with great thought and effort as we strive to ensure that we offer helpful hints and tips to our members — an added benefit of NYSUT membership provided at no cost to NYSUT members. We want all NYSUT members to know that membership in NYSUT provides access to a variety of Member Benefits-endorsed programs & services available exclusively to them and their families.
Thank you for your continued support of NYSUT Member Benefits!

Victory for Oregon Retirees

Oregon Supreme Court overturns

PERS cuts for existing retirees

PERsOregon’s Supreme Court delivered a victory for working families when it reaffirmed that the state must fulfill its contractual pension promises, ruling on April 30 that two bills designed to cut previously agreed upon cost-of-living adjustments for retirees through the Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) were unconstitutional. Everice Moro, a retired member of the Oregon School Employees Association, was the lead plaintiff in the case, Moro v. State of Oregon.
“The court has made it clear that even our governor and state legislators must honor a contract made with workers,” says Moro, who chairs OSEA’s Retired Oregon School Employees chapter.
“This is an important decision and victory for our retired members,” says Ed Edwards, OSEA’s director of government relations. (Photo credit: M.O. Stevens/Wikimedia)

NYSUT Speaks Out …

NYSUT rejects Cuomo’s teacher evaluation sham

ALBANY, N.Y. March 31, 2015 — New York State United Teachers today said changes to the teacher evaluation and tenure laws contained in the state budget are a disgrace.

“The teacher evaluation system imposed by Governor Cuomo is a sham, and he now owns it. From the beginning, the state of New York has witnessed a vengeful governor refusing to engage in honest dialogue about the quality of our public schools, or how to improve teaching and learning. Governor Cuomo is so enamored with hedge fund money that he has refused to consider the educational research; listen to educational professionals; or acknowledge the concerns of tens of thousands of parents who are so angry about his testing madness, they are protecting their children by opting them out of state exams.

“Let’s be absolutely clear: NYSUT rejects this evaluation system. It is an unworkable, convoluted plan that undermines local control, disrespects principals and school administrators, guts collective bargaining and further feeds the testing beast. It does nothing to help students and will do nothing to foster the professional dialogue and collaboration that is essential to helping New York’s already strong teaching force become stronger. Ironically, this will only make it harder for school districts in impoverished communities to attract and retain the excellent teachers that students need and deserve.”

New York State United Teachers is a statewide union with more than 600,000 members in education, human services and health care. NYSUT is affiliated with the American Federation of Teachers, the National Education Association and the AFL-CIO.

NYSUT asks Members to Call State Senators NOW!!!!

NYSUT is asking everyone to call members of the New York State Senator NOW!!!
Senator Dean Skelos, Republican representing New York Senate District 9 in Nassau Country.  recently made some damaging comments, criticizing the Assembly for “carrying NYSUT/UFT water.”
Pressure needs to be applied to members of the Senate, and NYSUT is asking members to call and ask Senators to:
Continue to reject harmful due process changes to 3020-a
Reject tying tenure to teacher evaluation
Reject any increase in testing
Reject any loss of collective bargaining rights
Senator’s Albany and Home District Phone Numbers:
Senator Boyle 518-455-3411 and 631-665-2311
Senator Crocci – 518-455-3570 and 631-360-3356
Senator Flanagan – 518-455-2071 and 631-361-2154
Senator Hannon – 518-455-2200 and 516-455-2200
Senator LaValle – 518-455-3121 and 631-473-1461
Senator Marcellino – 518-455-2390 and 516-922-1154
Senator Venditto 518-455-3341 and 516-882-0630
Senator Martins 518-455-3265 and 516-746-0439
and while it will probably fall on deaf ears-
Senator Skelos 518-455-3171 and 516-766-8383