#ProtectOurSchools Rally

If you are in the vicinity of New York City next weekend, you are encouraged to attend a large rally planned on Saturday, March 28th at noon-outside the governor’s Midtown District Office, located on 633 3rd Avenue at East 41st Street.

NYSUT will be joining our Brothers and Sisters from UFT; AFSCME DC37; Local 372; AQE; Class Size Matters; Citizens Action; Council of School Supervisors & Administrators; Education Council Consortium; NY Communities for Change; and Strong Economy for All Coalition at this #ProtectOurSchools Rally.

Download Event Flyer


Our Schools…Our Community…Our Voice — March 5

Thursday, March 5 is the date for the Our Schools…Our Community…Our Voice forum in Suffolk County. These forums have been taking place all over the state, bringing together parent, community and public education advocacy groups to discuss Governor Cuomo’s plans for school district funding, take-over of “failing” schools, teacher evaluation and adding 100 more charter schools statewide.

The Suffolk forum will take place from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. at the Saxton Middle school, 121 Saxon Aveune, Patchogue. All are welcome. Volunteers will be on hand to direct traffic.

Speakers include:

Topic 1: Inadequate Funding of Public Education
Mr. David Gamberg, Superintendent
Southold UFSD

Dr. Steven R. Cohen, Superintendent,
Shoreham-Wading River, CSD

Topic 2: High Stakes Testing
Ms. Allison Noonan, Parent

Ms. Elizabeth Lynch, Educator
Brentwood, UFSD

Dr. Joseph Rella, Superintendent
Comsewogue, UFSD

Invitations have been sent to all the state politicians in our region, and Assembly Members Dean Murray and Anthony Palumbo have RSVP’d.

For additional information, contact Peter L. Verdon, Regional Staff Director, NYSUT Suffolk Regional Office at 631) 273-8822.

Alert from NYSUT – Security Breach

Anthem, Inc., the parent organization of Empire Blue Cross and Blue Shield and the hospital administrator for the NYSHIP Empire Plan reported an extensive security breach of their members’ data. Names, dates of birth, member IDs/Social Security numbers, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses and employment information of current and former members were impacted. In the coming weeks, Anthem will send letters to impacted members with an offer of free credit monitoring and identity protection services.
In the interim, direct inquiries to www.anthemfacts.com or 877-263-7995. The website includes FAQs and will be updated as additional information becomes available. Click here for a direct link.
You should be aware of scam email campaigns targeting current and former Anthem members. These scams, designed to capture personal information (known as “phishing”), are designed to appear as if they are from Anthem and the emails include a “click here” link for credit monitoring. These emails are NOT from Anthem.
DO NOT reply to the email or reach out to the senders in any way.
DO NOT supply any information on the website that may open, if you have clicked on a link in email.
DO NOT open any attachments that arrive with email.

Anthem is not calling members regarding the cyber attack and is not asking for credit card information or Social Security numbers over the phone. For more guidance on recognizing scam email, please visit the FTC website: http://www.consumer.ftc.gov/articles/0003-phishing.

A Message from NYSUT

As a part of our campaign against the Governor’s destructive agenda NYSUT will be holding a forum entitled —


Date and Time: MARCH 5TH FROM 7:00 – 8:30 P.M.

Navy (Seal) Lt. Michael P. Murphy Campus
181 Buffalo Ave
Medford, NY 11763

We will be bringing together concerned individuals to speak on the issues of:
Over Testing and Opting Out
School Funding
Loss of Local Control
As well as what actions can be taken to stop the Governor’s plans. More details will be forthcoming,

There is a great deal of activism on Long Island by a number of groups around these issues. They will be supporting us and we will be supporting their events in the coming months, but it is crucial that we have a large turnout for OUR event. Please start notifying our members and allies.

In Solidarity;

Peter L. Verdon
Regional Staff Director
NYSUT Suffolk Regional Office