Political Action & VOTE/COPE
Posts relating to politics and how it affects our membership, teachers and education.
Beware Union Busting Bogus Emails
All over the country conservative think tanks have been spearheading disinformation drives to break apart our unions. NYSUT is actively working to make our member aware of the attacks and what we can do to stop them. NYSUT is alerting members about this threat on their website.

Visit the NYSUT website for more information.
Please read the excerpt below, shared with the R-UTN us by Bea Tullo, co-President of the West Islip Teachers Association (WIRTA) :
In an email from Bea Tullo last week, she mentioned the bogus cards and booklets sent to members of NYSUT, showing how to opt out of the union. Below is an example of the kinds of mailings reaching members, as part of a disinformation campaign launched by the Freedom Foundation, a conservative think tank whose goal is to destroy unions.
The paragraph below is a copy of the section of the booklet directing the reader to OPT OUT TODAY, by using the tear-off sheet. This misleading, bogus booklet from the Freedom Foundation covers all their interests. Filling out the form suggests that the Freedom Foundation will function as the member’s representative to opt out of the union and stop the collection of dues. They use Janus v. AFSCME to secure their goal of breaking apart the union.
New York State Primary Election
Early voting is underway for New York State Primary election. Vote and make your voice heard!
Election Dates and Deadlines
- Early Voting Sat. June 15 – Sun. June 23
- Primary Election Day Tues. June 25, 6a.m. – 9p.m.
- Deadline to return early mail/absentee ballot Tue. June 25
Click Here for information about Early Voting and Election Day Poll Sites in New York State.