Picnic Reminder

Our Annual Picnic is scheduled for Tuesday, September 10th at the Vanderbilt Museum in Centerport.

The R-UTN will be collecting donations for the Ecumenical Lay Council Food Pantry of the First Presbyterian Church of Northport. Please bring donations of non-perishable food, paper or cleaning supplies, cash, Stop & Shop Gift Cards, or checks made out to the Ecumenical Lay Council. Remember, paper goods and personal hygiene supplies cannot be purchased with food stamps.

An Invitation

Retired Northport High School art teacher, Pamela Waldroup, will exhibit her photography in a solo exhibition, City Perspectives ~ Inside Outside, at fotofoto gallery in Huntington Village from August 28 – Sept 21.  She is proud to invite her fellow retirees to join her for the exhibit reception on Saturday, September 7th from 5-7 p.m.