Download the PDF version of the 2017 Fall Newsletter.
Membership Forms also available for download.
2017-2018 Membership Form
Download the PDF version of the 2017 Fall Newsletter.
Membership Forms also available for download.
2017-2018 Membership Form
On September 12 the R-UTN Annual Picnic will once again be held on the beautiful grounds of the Vanderbilt Museum in Centerport, from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Plan to join friends and former colleagues, welcome new retirees, and enjoy a delicious picnic buffet. Admission is free to paid-up R-UTN members, and guest are welcome for $10. RSVP by August 29 when you send your membership form to Membership Chair, Judy Bensimon.
The Vanderbilt Museum is also offering free admission to the 2:00 p.m. Planetarium show. Parking on the grounds is free, and a shuttle is available to members in need of assistance from the parking lot to the luncheon tent.
The R-UTN Website was presented an Award of Distinction at the 2017 Communications Awards Celebration on August 12. Webmaster Linda Quinn accepted the award at the celebration luncheon at the NYSUT headquarters in Albany.
This year’s Spring Luncheon was held at the Long Island Museum in Stony Brook, with a bonus of complimentary museum entrance for all attendees. This unique lunch venue was arranged by Larry and Anne Ryan who are docents at the museum. R-UTN members were welcomed to the museum by Deirdre Doherty, Director of Development. Ms. Doherty gave a special thank-you to educators and donated two museum memberships to our raffle. Thanks to all members who donated items to a the raffle to raise money for our scholarships. A good time was had by all, and a gallery of the photographs can be found in the Photo Gallery of this website.