When longtime Northport teacher John William Hosie (Bill) passed away last November the Retired Teachers of Northport received donations to create a scholarship in his name. It was decided that the scholarship would be given to the graduating son or daughter of a current member of the United Teachers of Northport. The chosen recipient was Robert Cusack, son of Stephanie Cusack, a third grade teacher at Norwood Avenue School. The scholarship was presented at the United Teachers of Northport Retirement Party on Friday, June 10, by members of Bill’s family. His daughter, R-UTN member Cynthia Gorman, honored her father and Robert Cusack at the event.From left to right: Nancy Hosie Pierce, Stephanie Cusack, Robert Cusack, Sylvia Hosie, Dave Hosie, Cynthia Hosie Gorman.
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2016 R-UTN Scholarships
The Retired – United Teachers of Northport Scholarships are supported by the voluntary contributions of our over 450 members. The Scholarship Award is presented to a Northport High School graduate planning to enter the teaching profession. The Memorial Scholarship is given for academic achievement. The 2016 awards were presented at the Senior Awards Ceremony on June 7. The Scholarship Award was presented to Emily Feit and the Academic Achievement Scholarship was presented to Samantha Marill. Continue reading
R-UTN Spring Newsletter
The Spring 2016 R-UTN Newsletter is now available for download — or reading online.
The current and back issues are always available on the Newsletter page of this website.
Spring Luncheon, Tuesday May 3 at La Villini, East Northport
R-UTN Election of Officers
A slate of officers has been nominated for the positions of president, vice president, secretary and treasure of the Retired – United Teachers of Northport. The election will be held at Spring Luncheon on May 3rd. The nominating committee offered the following slate for a two-year term of office:
President – Frances La Duca,
Vice President – Joanne Kroon
Secretary –Roseann Giovina
Treasurer – David Hosie.
Additional names to be considered for nomination, for any of the four positions, may be sent to Larry Ryan, Nomination Committee chair at [email protected] by April 1st for inclusion in the newsletter.