Michele Fig Terranova, recently retired, is beginning to realize her dream and has found herself a wonderful spot in one of Northport Village’s favorite shopping destinations – Nest on Main. There she has on display a varied selection of – how perfect for a teacher! – BOOKS!!! You’ll find Kristin Hannah’s latest THE WOMEN, as well as a perfect gift for Mother’s Day called DRAW WITH MOM! There are many other choices neatly arranged for perusal. Michele’s nickname (and her website) is “The Book Whisperer”, given to her by a friend and colleague who recognized her love of books and reading. She was adept at finding that special book for each of her students year after year. Take a look – you’ll be sure to find that perfect book! She also offers the option of procuring books for you. Visit her on Instagram at bookwhisperer22. We wish her good luck and congratulations!
Important Notice!
Disappointed and sad! Our spring event at the StonyBrook Museums, along with a lovely lunch, had to be canceled for tomorrow, May 2. An unforeseen glitch was the cause, and a decision had to be made. Many of the guests decided to donate their payments to our Scholarship Fund, and we thank them for their generosity!
On to the next RUTN Social, sometime this summer! Be on the lookout!
Thank You, Judy Bensimon
Judy Bensimon has served on the Retired-United Teachers of Northport Board of Directors since her retirement. Serving as Membership Chairperson, she was the glue who held our organization together. Judy recently celebrated her 90th birthday, and decided it was time to let someone else step in as Membership Chair. As a thank you for all she has meant to us, members of the current Executive Board honored her at a luncheon on April 26. We are glad to say that while she has stepped down as membership chair, she will be continuing as an At-Large member of the board. Additional photos in our Photo Gallery