R-UTN Spring Luncheon, the LI Museum at Stony Brook
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R-UTN Spring Luncheon
R-UTN Elections Coming This Spring
The Retired – United Teachers of Northport is governed by an Executive Board with four elected officers — President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. Elections are required to be held every two years. 2024 is the year.
The R-UTN is looking for members who would like to take a more active role in moving our organization forward. If you are interested in running for an office, send an email to [email protected] and a current Board member will get back to you.
A slate of candidates is needed to present to the membership before the spring event/ luncheon.
Sad News
Robert Jacobs, retired East Northport Middle School Guidance Counselor, passed away on January 22. There will be a memorial service at 11:00 a.m. Saturday, January 3 at St. Johns Church in Cold Spring Harbor. A reception will follow at 30 Forest Drive in Lloyd Harbor.
Condolences and memories may be sent to his wife and family.
The address is: Karen Jacobs – 4440 Willard Ave., Apt 335 Chevy Chase, MD 20815
It was with great sadness that we learned of the death of a beloved East Northport Middle School colleague and highly respected school guidance counselor Rob Jacobs. His calm and laid back attitude was appreciated by all of us who worked with him. Rob was calm, compassionate and genuinely caring with all with whom he interacted. He worked closely with his fellow counselors, school psychologist, and social workers. They were a team who were an integral part of the nurturing environment of East Northport Middle School. Rob was a respected colleague and a reassuring and a careful listener for teachers, students and parents. He was patient and supportive, helping to work to make sure that students had the emotional and social support to grow academically and become lifelong learners and caring and responsive community citizens. He was at every canteen and organized many student activities to assist the less fortunate while building student participation in school and community events. He always shared in the fun of Halloween, and the Guidance Team usually had themed costumes to participate.
He loved his family and they traveled widely. His retirement years were spent in enjoying many new travel adventures. He is survived by his beloved wife Karen and their four children. He will long be remembered as a caring and compassionate counselor and friend of so may in the ENMS community.
Joanne Kroon, Former Principal, East Northport Middle School