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Sad News
Nancy Connor, retired Northport High School Guidance Counselor, passed away on Sunday, October 29 at the age of 94. Before working as a guidance counselor, Nancy taught Spanish at Northport Junior High School, and many will remember her as Nancy Gutierrez.
Her daughter Cindy shared that her mother worked as a travel agent and lived in Mexico before working in Northport. After her retirement Nancy moved to New York City where she volunteered as a tour guide at the American Museum of Natural History and as a Spanish-English interpreter at St. Luke’s Roosevelt Hospital .
Nancy requested that her family not have a memorial service after her passing. Donations in her name may be made to St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital.
R-UTN members with memories of Nancy they wish to share, email [email protected]. Please keep your commemorative brief and include your name and former school.
Get Ready to Party!
2023 Annual Picnic Was a Success!
A little slice of heaven opened up for us at our annual picnic on September 21 ~ the sky was a brilliant blue, the view of the harbor from the Celebration Tent at the Vanderbilt a serene one. The food provided by Anderson’s Deli and Catering was varied and delicious and plentiful. Glenn Baldwin and his talented pal Neil played delightful music in the background. The beautiful raffle baskets put together by Nancy Wine and Jane McNamara made many a winner very happy and netted over $330 for our Scholarship Fund ~ hip hip hooray!
We feted our friend and colleague Paul Fazio on his 100th birthday, and Glenn spoke for all of us in his beautiful “living eulogy” for Paul. So many achievements in his life, this celebration was one of them.
Friends chatted with each other and caught up, as well as meeting and finding commonalities with others. A lovely time was had by those who attended. That was the one disappointment: the number of attendees was down to under 50, and that number included about a dozen RUTN Board members. We had ordered food for 65-70 people who had responded “yes”. Many simply did not show up. We were grateful to have had a large number of “doggie bag” boxes, so there was little waste. Much time and effort goes into the success of this picnic, a “free” event for our membership. However, it must be remembered that a part of our dues pays for the cost, and it behooves us to be sure our money is spent wisely.
In any case, it was a wonderful day for all involved ~ thank you to one and all!! Enjoy the photos of our time together! Visit the Photo Gallery Page for more Picnic Photos.