Oregon Supreme Court overturns
PERS cuts for existing retirees

Oregon’s Supreme Court delivered a victory for working families when it reaffirmed that the state must fulfill its contractual pension promises, ruling on April 30 that two bills designed to cut previously agreed upon cost-of-living adjustments for retirees through the Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) were unconstitutional. Everice Moro, a retired member of the Oregon School Employees Association, was the lead plaintiff in the case,
Moro v. State of Oregon.
“The court has made it clear that even our governor and state legislators must honor a contract made with workers,” says Moro, who chairs OSEA’s Retired Oregon School Employees chapter.
“This is an important decision and victory for our retired members,” says Ed Edwards, OSEA’s director of government relations. (Photo credit: M.O. Stevens/Wikimedia)