Annual Winter Luncheon

On December 6th, 42 of our members assembled at Jackson’s (Jericho Turnpike, Commack) to enjoy a delicious lunch and to meet and greet former colleagues.  Our Annual Winter Luncheon is a perfect opportunity to reconnect with fellow retirees and to share news.  A great time was had by all and the staff at Jackson’s was warm and welcoming.  A surprise visit by Chris Pendergast was a highlight of the afternoon.  This is the 20th anniversary of his famous “Ride for Life” – he intends to repeat his journey to Washington D.C. again this year.  Dave Hosie entertained us with a Christmas poem.  A dozen of our members generously donated gifts for our raffle.  Ticket sales generated $265 for our Scholarship Fund.  Many thanks to those who brought gifts and to those who bought tickets.  Our next get-together will be in the spring – watch the mail for the newsletter announcing date and place – hope to see you then. Have safe and healthy Holidays – R-UTN Executive Board.

R-UTN Picnic 2016

Yummy food!

Yummy food!

Tuesday, September 13 was a  perfect day for the Annual R-UTN Picnic at the Vanderbilt Museum in Centerport. We couldn’t have asked for more — the weather was delightful, the location picturesque, a good attendance, and delicious food. Visit the R-UTN Picture Gallery for more photos.

A special thank-you to our hosts at the Vanderbilt Museum. They made our picnic even more special by arranging a tour of the mansion and a Sky Show in the Planetarium.

August – September Newsletter

The R-UTN August – September Newsletter is online now. Thanks to our new newsletter editor, Suzanne Travis, for a job well done.

Beginning in 2017 R-UTN members can choose not to receive paper copies of the newsletters. All current and archived newsletters will continue to be available on the website for downloading or reading online. Please be sure to check your preference when you return your 2016 – 2016 Membership Form.