Save the Dates

Retired – United Teachers of Northport Spring Luncheon
Tuesday, May 3 at La Villini, East Northport
More information to follow.

Retiree Council 23 Spring Luncheon
Monday, June 6 at the Three Village Inn, Stony Brook from Noon to 3 PM
Featured will be NYSUT Vice President Paul Pectoral speaking on the “Impact of a Constitutional Convention” and the presentation of the NYSUT Community Service Award.
$33 Per Person
RSVP by May 25 to Joyce Duck, 6 Lily Pond Avenue, Eastport, NY 11941

Please let Fran LaDuca know if you plan to attend.
Luncheon Flyer and Registration.

Wanted: R–UTN Newsletter Editor…

The Retired – United Teachers of Northport is in need of an newsletter editor. Many of our members rely on the printed newsletter to keep up with events and news. The newsletter is published three to four times a year, and a the newsletter staff gathers news and writes articles, but we need an editor to bring it all together. The job is not difficult, and training is available. If you are interested, contact Fran LaDuca at (631) 368-1545, or by email at [email protected].