A Must Read For Retired Northport Middle School Teachers …

This message is from Wayne Jensen, UTN 7–12 Vice President: On April 27, air quality tests were conducted at NMS in a K-wing classroom located above the district warehouse. These tests were in response to the discovery of potentially hazardous materials being stored at that facility. The results of these tests revealed concerning levels of specific Volatile Organic Compounds. Said results prompted a letter from the Superintendent dated May 25, which explained the timeline of events, and invited parents to an information meeting on May 30. The district has since posted (1) the April 27 test results, (2) the May 25 letter, (3) a NYS Department of Health information sheet on Volatile Organic Compounds, (4) an update letter dated June 8, and (5) a letter from the NYS Department of Health dated June 14. All of these documents can be found on the district website: http://web.northport.k12.ny.us/district.cfm?subpage=233927 – these documents are also attached to this email.

If you have taught in the K-wing at Northport Middle School, please send an email to [email protected] as soon as possible – you will be included in future emails so that you can provide any input you may have regarding the situation, and so that your UTN representatives can disseminate any updates as they arise.