Download the Reservation Flyer
Teddy Emanuel, retired Elementary/Middle school teacher and member of the R-UTN Executive Board, will be awarded this year’s NYSUT Community Service Award for her work with CAPS (Child Abuse Prevention Services). NYSUT will honor Teddy and present her award at this joint luncheon on Monday June 3rd. from 12:00 to 3:00 p.m.
This year’s Annual R-UTN Spring Lunch will be held jointly with NYSUT Retiree Council 23 at the Three Village Inn in Stony Brook.
We encourage as many of our colleagues as possible to plan on attending the luncheon to honor Teddy. To make your reservation, print the attached PDF RSVP Form and send it, with your check for $28 payable to RC 23, to Joyce Duck,6 Lily Pond Lane, Eastport NY 11941.

On behalf of CAPS, Teddy has spoken to numerous school groups about identifying symptoms of abuse and the services available to aid abused children. She has also developed curriculum and presented training sessions for teachers and parents on identifying and dealing with bullying.