Dear Members,
Hooray! We have survived so far, and it is spring. Let us be glad! It has been a difficult year and because of COVID concerns we had to cancel hosting the our 2020 Luncheons, the Annual Picnic and this year’s Spring Luncheon. However, we have used the money saved doing good in your name. We have made donations to the Interfaith Food Pantry in Northport and St. Vincent de Paul food bank in East Northport. Both organizations distribute food based only on need and not because of any religious membership. We made a donation, with assistance from the UTN, to a  Northport-East Northport district family in need. Finally, we gave a donation  in memory of Chris Pendergast to the  ALS Ride for Life to continue his work and legacy.

Due to the pandemic, elections of Executive Board officers were not held last year.The office of president is currently vacant due to the untimely death of Fran LaDuca. The current vice president, treasure, corresponding secretary and recording secretary have graciously offered to continue working in these positions. The Executive Board is also in need of volunteers who would be willing to serve on the committees that make our organization run. Please consider joining with former colleagues to do good  for others, and keep us all connected. We will be posting additional information about the requirements for the office of president, and once there is a slate of candidates it will be posted online and a vote held.

Also, consider making a donation to Vote Cope. Our voices need to be heard to support public educators past and present and the system which has educated so many children so well.  More information about Vote-Cope is posted on the NYSUT Vote-Cope information page.
Finally, enjoy colleagues’ post about what they have been doing during the pandemic. If you haven’t already done so, please share your experiences with us and let us know what you are most looking forward to enjoying in the future. Send short anecdotes to [email protected], and be sure to include your name, school you retired from and subject taught – if applicable. Photos are welcome!

We do not know if it will be possible to hold a picnic in September, but we will keep the membership posted as the pandemic plays out.

Be well, and stay safe, so we can all meet again.
The Executive Board