What have our members been up to?

The question is what I’ve been up to during Covid. 

As a 2019 Christmas gift, our daughter Dana signed me up with Storyworth.com, an online vanity publisher. Each week of 2020, Storyworth sent me a question about a particular life experience or moment, or something meaningful to me. I could choose which questions to answer and was invited to submit my own topics as well. Any photographs that illustrated my writings were encouraged in the JPEG format. All editing was to be done by me, the writer. My stories grew to 288 pages and featured everything from “Close Calls” to “Peace of Mind.”

After a year of submissions, my subscription to questions ended and a two-month editing period ensued. An email address of [email protected] proved quite helpful for technical and pricing questions I had.

The result of all this came in the mail this week:  three ordered copies of a hard-bound book I’d entitled “Glenn’s Stories … All True.” These hardbound books are 6” X 9” in size and feature a table of contents and selected photo for the cover. The first copy ordered comes with a $39 credit as part of the subscription, the price of each book with black and white photos. For color photos, the price is $79 per book plus our NYS state tax and shipping options.

I must say, Storyworth turned out to be one of the very best gifts in memory. Churning our narrative responses to their questions kept me off the streets, out of jail, and away from Covid-19. After editing tens of thousands of student essays in my teaching career, I got to challenge myself with each piece for the book. My thanks go to daughter Dana for this engaging experience, and to friend Linda Quinn and he newsletter staff for their question to our membership.

Glenn Baldwin, March 1, 2021
English Department, Northport High School

It’s not too late to send a submission to share with our membership. Send your anecdotes to [email protected], and be sure to include your name, school you retired from and subject taught – if applicable. Photos are welcome!